Bectu Fashion UK
State of the Sector: 2024 Survey

Fashion UK is a branch of Bectu, the first Union branch dedicated to supporting non-performance creatives in the fashion sector.

This survey only takes a few minutes to complete, giving us the data we need to better understand what is happening in the fashion sector, raise awareness of the sector’s issue, and guide Bectu’s support for non-performance fashion workers.

You must be a fashion worker in a non-performance role, based in the UK to complete this survey.

All responses will be anonymous and information collected in this survey will be subject to Bectu's Privacy Policy:

To find out more about Fashion UK please visit

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following roles best describes your work in the fashion industry?

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* 2. What is your job title/role?

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* 3. Which of the following best describes your work status?

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* 4. For how many years have you worked in fashion?

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* 5. Do you supplement your income with non-fashion-related work?

Question Title

* 6. What is your average annual income before tax from fashion-related work?

Question Title

* 7. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
I am paid a fair rate for the work I do
I feel valued by my employer(s) or engager(s) for the work I do
I feel secure in my job
I am always paid on time for the work I do

Question Title

* 8. How long is your regular working day?

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* 9. Are you paid for working overtime, and if so at what rate?

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* 10. Which of the following apply to you (select any that apply)

Question Title

* 11. Do you think there is a place for internships within the industy?

Question Title

* 12. Which of the following have you experienced over the past 12 months?

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* 13. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your experiences of working in the fashion industry?

Question Title

* 14. Do you currently have any of the following, in regard to your work in fashion? Select any that apply

Question Title

* 15. To what extent would you support each of the following initiatives to support fashion workers?

  Strongly support Support Neither support nor oppose Oppose Strongly oppose
An independent body to report health and safety concerns (inc. bullying, harassment and sexual harassment
A rate card issued by the unions stating the suggested minimum rate for each type of freelance job
A standardised booking confirmation document created by the union for freelance fashion creatives to give to employers

Question Title

* 16. Are you aware of anything that currently works well to support fashion workers?

Question Title

* 17. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
The fashion industry is an inclusive place to work
My employer(s) or engager(s) promote a healthy work culture
Behaviours that would be considered toxic and inappropriate in public life are often tolerated in the fashion industry

Question Title

* 18. Which of the following do you feel are the biggest issues facing workers in the fashion industry? (Rank issues, where 1 is the most important issue)

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* 19. What changes would you like to see in the industry to support its workers better?

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* 20. How positively or negatively do you feel about the impact of artificial intelligence / AI on the fashion industry?

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* 21. How positively or negatively do you feel about the impact of artificial intelligence / AI on your own job security?

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* 22. Is there anything else you want to tell us about the impact AI is currently having, or will have, on your work in the fashion industry?

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* 23. Where do you see yourself working in 5 years’ time?

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* 24. Are you a Bectu member?

Question Title

* 25. Did you know about Bectu’s Fashion UK branch before this survey?

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* 26. If you would like to know more about Bectu’s fashion branch, please provide your email address

Question Title

* 27. In what region or nation do you currently/usually work?

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* 28. What is your age?

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* 29. Which of the following best describes your gender?

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* 30. How would you describe your sexual orientation?

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* 32. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

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* 33. Do you have parenting or carer responsibilities?

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* 34. Do you consider yourself to be from a working class background?