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* 2. Are there initiatives you would like IRHA to pursue?  (policy or group initiatives)
Please describe the initiatives you would like IRHA to pursue.

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* 3. How can IRHA support your health care efforts more efficiently in the coming year? Please be candid:   

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* 4. Please mark off all activities below you have participated in over the last year.

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* 5. Please mark off all IRHA e-newsletters below you have read in the last year.

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* 6. IRHA is always trying to provide relevant and timely information to our members.
Is there a subject matter, or specific presenter, you would like IRHA to have on the agenda during an in-person event?

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* 7. What topics would you like to see included in our FREE Lunch & Learn educational webinar series?

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* 8. Would you be interested in joining any of the following IRHA Committees?
To download a pdf. a describing the IRHA Committees, click here

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* 9. Approximately how many years have you been a member of IRHA?

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* 10. What activities should IRHA pursue and/or what benefits should IRHA offer to encourage organizations or municipalities to join IRHA?

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* 11. Have you exhibited at an IRHA educational event in the past 12 months?