Building a team

 Building a team

Understanding Team work

What is good team work?
Good teamwork means a synergistic way of working with each person committed and working towards a shared goal. ... It is therefore a necessity that leaders facilitate and build the teamwork skills of their people if they are to steer a company toward success

Team roles
What makes a strong team?
To have a great team, there is no surefire recipe for success. A combination of solid leadership, communication, and access to good resources contribute to productive collaboration, but it all comes down to having people who understand each other and work well together

There are specific, diverse team roles that a team requires.
These can be grouped as functional, organizational, personal or skilful.
Each team should have an ideal mix of team types (thinking, action, people)
When the composition is not ideal the team may run into problems eg a team consisting of only creative individuals will generate many ideas however they will need support to implement them.

Do you have an example of when you were part of a team?
Was it an effective team?
If Yes, why?
If No, why?

In session 1 and session 2 we will identify what your personal strengths are as contributors to a team

Diagram is Belbin’s team roles.  This is the right mix of skills for a successful team based on Belbin’s studies into how a successful team works.

Following slides are descriptors of the different team roles : which one best describes you?

Shaper – driver (action)
Are generally ambitious & energetic
May appear impatient & impulsive
Are strong motivators
Will challenge others at crucial times
Play a crucial role in pushing the team forward to success
Thrive on pressure
Drive & courage to overcome obstacles
Sometimes offend people’s feelings & prone to provocation

Implementer – executive (action)
Are good organisers
Well disciplined
Eager to get the job done
Efficient, practical & systematic
Quickly turn ideas into concrete actions & practical plans
Can be inflexible & sow to respond to new possibilities

Completer – finisher (action)
Very conscientious & anxious
Feel responsible for the teams achievements
Concerned with errors
Most effectively used at the end of a task
Used to polish & scrutinise work for errors
Set high standards of control
Can be inclined to worry unduly & reluctant to delegate

coordinator – chairman (social)
Mature & confident
Has an emphasis on procedures
Will bring the team together
Is communicative & delegates effectively
Deals with team members respectfully
Identifies talent
Clarifies goals
Can be seen as manipulative & might offload own share of work

Resource investigator -explorer (social)
Generally an extrovert by nature
Cheerful & gregarious
Outgoing & enthusiastic
Investigative, interested & curious about things
Like to improvise & communicate with others
Enjoy presenting ideas to team
Enjoy developing new contacts
Might be over-optimistic & can lose interest once the initial enthusiasm has passed

Team worker – player (social)
Are caring & co-operative
Avoid conflict & foster harmony
Likes to help other people
Generally agreeable & friendly
Are diplomatic & perceptive
Emphasise solidarity &
Team cohesion
Listens & averts friction
Can be indecisive in crunch situations & tends to avoid confrontation

Plant – innovator (thinking)
Creative, imaginative, free-thinking
Have a strong imagination & desire to be original
Prefers to be independent
Tends to approach tasks in a scientific way & generates ideas easily
Plays a crucial role in the way a team approaches & solves problems
Might ignore incidentals & may be too pre-occupied to communicate effectively

Monitor – evaluator- analyst (thinking)
Has a tendency to be reserved, sober, strategic & discerning
Can be critical
Will react to plans & ideas in a rational & sensible way
Favours a prudent approach to matters
Will evaluate according to accuracy before acting
Sometimes lacks the drive & ability to inspire others & can be overly critical

Specialist – expert (thinking)
Has skills & expertise required for the specific task at hand
Has a strong focus on the task
May get defensive when others interfere with their work
Prefers to work alone
Single-minded, self-starting & dedicated
Team members often have a great deal of trust & confidence in the specialist
Can only contribute to narrow front & tends to dwell on the technicalities

What team type are you?
Write down what you think your team type is and in Session 2 you will complete a quiz and you can compare your answer with the results of the quiz.

In session 3 the trainer will group all participant answers to see the balance of skills in this team.

You will be provided with the following link:

In session 2

Complete the test and save your report and then email to yourself  

Email results to trainer to email to our job active provider to print

Question Title

* 1. Student Details