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When the RMC Alumni Association came into being in 2021, a temporary word-based logo was developed. Three years have passed already. It’s time for a new logo.

There are many considerations that accompany a new logo design, some practical and some aesthetic.

Considerations include:
  • RMCAA is the voice of the alumni of all the Canadian Military Colleges, whether CMR St-Jean, RMC or Royal Roads.
  • RMCAA has the challenge of being at once of all the Colleges and yet of none of them.
  • A new logo needs to be easy and affordable to use/apply/stitch. Coats of arms, for example, are detailed drawings, too complex to easily digitalize and scale down, which makes them impractical to use as logos.
  • A new logo must be something that all alumni will see as relevant and be proud to be associated with/proud to wear.

We’d like your views on what matters to you!

Question Title

* 1. 1. How important is it that the new RMCAA logo should contain elements/colours that pertain to all three Colleges (RMC, RMC St-Jean, Royal Roads)?

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* 2. How important is it for a new logo to contain a nod to the heraldry associated with the Colleges?

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* 3.
If you were asked to choose one or more elements to include in a new, simplified logo, how important would each of the following elements be?

  Very important Somewhat important Not so important Not at all important
Mailed fist
Sprig of maple leaves
Motto (Truth Duty Valour)

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* 4.
Certain colours are traditionally associated with each of the Colleges. Which, if any, of these colours should the new logo incorporate?

  Should incorporate Should not incorporate Does not matter to me
Red and green (RMC)
Blue and gold (RMC St-Jean)
Blue, gold, red and silver (Royal Roads)

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* 5. Do you have any other comments?

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