2025 Presentation Proposal Submission Form Share Your Experiences! If you can answer yes to any of these questions, then we want to hear your stories. Do you have solutions for particular technical or business problems you may have encountered? Are you on the leading edge of implementing new standards? Are you finding new and creative ways to broaden your implementation? Are the ATA or S1000D standards a key component of your business strategy? Are you involved in development of a new standard that you would like to advance? Presentation Proposal Requirements Proposals must be provided on this Form. See questions below. Proposals must be submitted by May 15, 2025 Proposals and presentations must be non-proprietary and releasable to the public. Proposals must pertain to ATA and/or S1000D standards. Each session will be 30 minutes in length, including time for questions and answers. Requests for additional time will be considered. No commercial presentations please. Not all proposals will be accepted. Your personally identifiable information (PII) will be shared with ATA e-Business Program staff and others assisting with the planning of the Forum agenda. If your presentation is selected, your registration fee will be discounted 50% off the full registration fee (limit 1) per presentation slot. Question Title * 1. Presentation Title Question Title * 2. Presenter - Name Question Title * 3. Presenter - Job Title Question Title * 4. Presenter - Company Question Title * 5. Presenter - e-Mail Address Question Title * 6. Presenter - Phone Number Question Title * 7. Permission to publish presentation online - By checking yes, I agree that if my proposal is selected, I authorize ATA to post a PDF version of the presentation to the ATA e-Business Program and/or S1000D web sites for public viewing. Yes No Question Title * 8. Submitter's Name (if different from the Presenter) Question Title * 9. Submitter - e-Mail Address (if different from the Presenter) Question Title * 10. Applicable Standards (check all that apply) iSpec 2200 - Information Standards for Aviation Maintenance S1000D - International Specification for Technical Publications Spec 1000BR - Civil Aviation S1000D Business Rules Spec 2000 - Authorized Release Certificate Spec 2000 - Automated Identification and Data Capture Spec 2000 - Electronic Logbook Spec 2000 - Electronic Work Package Spec 2000 - Industry Metrics Spec 2000 - Provisioning Spec 2000 - Reliability Spec 2000 - Repair Spec 2000 - Warranty Spec 2000 - Procurement Spec 2300 - Data Exchange Standard for Flight Operations Spec 2400 - Allowable Configuration Data Exchange Standards Spec 2500 - Aircraft Transfer Records Spec 42 - Aviation Industry Standards for Digital Information Security Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. Brief abstract of the presentation (max 500 words), containing: An introductory paragraph that summarizes the subject matter and scope of the presentation. Brief description of the points/issues that will be discussed. The sequence in which the information will be provided. Forum Host: ATA e-Business Program Air Transport Association of Americ d/b/a Airlines for America1275 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Suite 1300 Washington DC 20004 Please direct questions to: admin@ataebiz.org Done