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Purpose: ICI Society is conducting this survey to gain insight into current data usage and access to services. We are interested in understanding how our members use ICI Society data and services to help inform our services and initiatives in the future.

The survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* Membership segment:

Question Title

* How often do you use ICI Society data/services?

Question Title

* What method do you use to access/consume ICI Society Data? (Please select all that apply)

Question Title

* Overall, how satisfied are you with ICI Society’s data and services?

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* How would you rate the data quality?

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* How would you rate the usability of our services?

Question Title

* How likely are you to recommend ICI Society data and/or services to others?

Question Title

* Which features do you find most valuable? (Rank in order of importance)

Question Title

* Rank overall satisfaction for each dataset you currently consume, taking into consideration data accuracy, completeness, usability, currency, and ease of access, etc.

You may use the comment box to provide more information about why you are satisfied/unsatisfied. (Optional. 100 characters max.)

  Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied N/A
Fire Hydrants
Infrastructure Mains

Question Title

* Rank overall satisfaction for each dataset you currently consume, taking into consideration data accuracy, completeness, usability, currency, and ease of access, etc.

You may use the comment box to provide more information about why you are satisfied/unsatisfied. (Optional. 100 characters max.)

  Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied N/A
ICIS Cadastre
ParcelMap BC
BC Assessment Fabric
3rd Party Utilities (i.e., BC Hydro, TELUS, FortisBC, Shaw)

Question Title

* Rank overall satisfaction for each dataset you currently consume, taking into consideration data accuracy, completeness, usability, currency, and ease of access, etc.

You may use the comment box to provide more information about why you are satisfied/unsatisfied. (Optional. 100 characters max.)

  Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied N/A
BC Oil & Gas Commission
Agricultural Land Commission Boundaries
Police Jurisdiction Boundaries

Question Title

* How does your organization use ICI Society data? Please provide information for the applicable feature classes.

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* Are there any features or services you would like us to add in the future?

Question Title

* What do you think could be improved in our data and services?

Question Title

* Can you share any specific experiences or examples of how our data and services have benefited your organization?

Question Title

* What topics would you like future User Conferences to focus on?

Question Title

* Do you have any additional comments or feedback?

Thank you for completing our survey! Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help us enhance our data and services. If you have any additional comments or questions, please feel free to contact us at or via our contact form.

Thank you for your time and valuable input!
0 of 18 answered