1. Welcome!

This assessment tool can be used to get a reasonable impression of the quality of the most important practices in human resources and supervision for business.

You could use results of this assessment tool to: 1) ensure a strong foundation from which to add a product or undertake a major change effort; 2) do an internal analysis as part of an overall strategic planning activity; 3) develop a common understanding among leaders regarding what needs to be done in your business; and 4) assess how the operations in your business compare to various "best practices."

Each indicator is marked as Essential (“E”), Recommended (“R”), or Additional (“A”) practices for the typical business.

Next to each specific indicator are choices, including “Met,” “Needs Work,” “Not Applicable,” and “Don’t Know.” After reading each indicator, place a check mark under the appropriate choice as to how your business performs to that indicator.

After you have completed the assessment, print out the results by using the "Print" command in your browser (probably available by clicking on the "File" command). Notice which areas need work, especially those marked "E".

References to Boards of Directors apply to businesses formed as corporations.

This on-line assessment tool is provided by Authenticity Consulting, LLC (www.authenticityconsulting.com) and has been adapted from a tool developed by the Greater Twin Cities United Way.

Question Title

* 1. SUPERVISION AND HUMAN RESOURCES -- The following indicators are in regard to ensuring high-quality supervision and human resource management of employees.

  Met Needs Work Not Applicable Don't Know
a. The organization has a written personnel handbook/policy that is regularly reviewed by an expert on employment laws and updated to describe procedures for a) staffing, b) performance management, c) compensation, d) compliance with government employment laws and regulations, and e) other work rules as needed. (E)
b. The organization follows nondiscriminatory hiring practices. (R)
c. The organization provides a copy of or access to the written personnel policy to all members of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer and all employees. All employees acknowledge in writing that they have read and have access to the personnel handbook/policies. (R)
d. The organization has job descriptions including qualifications, duties, reporting relationships and key indicators. All employees have the opportunity to provide input to the content of their job descriptions. (R)
e. The organization's Board of Directors conducts an annual review/evaluation of its Chief Executive Officer in relationship to a previously determined set of expectations. (R)
f. The Chief Executive Officer's salary is set by the Board of Directors in a reasonable process and is in compliance with the organization's compensation plan. (R)
g. The organization requires employee performance appraisals to be conducted and documented at least annually. Employees have the opportunity to provide input to their appraisals. (E)
h. The organization has a compensation plan and a periodic review of salary ranges and benefits is conducted. (A)
i. The organization has a timely process for filling vacant positions to prevent an interruption of products services or disruption to organization operations. (A)
j. New employees receive an effective orientation and training process about the company and its personnel policies. (E)
k. The organization has a process for reviewing and responding to ideas, suggestions, comments and perceptions from all employees. (A)
l. The organization provides opportunities for employees' professional development and training with their job skill area and also in such areas as cultural sensitivity and personal development. (A)
m. Supervisors receive training about setting goals with employees, effective delegating, monitoring performance, and addressing performance issues, in conformance with the personnel policies. (R)
n. Morale is high throughout the organization as evidenced by strong mutual respect among employees and sustained motivation to work toward the organization's mission. (R)
If you're satisfied with your answers, we encourage you to print your completed questionnaire (using the "Print" command in the "File" menu of your internet browser).

Look at those items that are marked as "Needs Work". You might see the Free Management Library's topics about Supervision and Human Resources to address practices that need work.

Clock on DONE when you are finished with the assessment.