All about food allergy school program for grades 4-6: Educator Survey.

Thank you for teaching the “All about food allergy” school program with your classrooms!
Now that you’ve taught the program, please take a few minutes to complete our survey.
Your input will help us continually improve the program to best meet the needs of educators. Plus, the completion of this survey is required to be eligible for the $200 gift card draw that happens annually in June.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate what you used to teach this program and if they were useful. Check all that apply.

  Taught Useful 
About food allergy – module 1
About allergic reactions and anaphylaxis – module 2
Managing food allergy – module 3
Being a food allergy ally – module 4
Ahas and huhs/impact of food allergy on the body (module 1)
Common food allergens activity sheet (module 1)
Ahas and huhs/recognizing and treating anaphylaxis (module 2)
Demonstration of an epinephrine auto-injector (module 2)
Signs and symptoms activity sheet (module 2)
Treating anaphylaxis video/skit (module 2)
Reading food labels (module 3)
Discussion on cross-contamination scenarios (module 3)
Discussion on managing food allergy/what others can do (module 3)
Adoption of food allergy for a day (module 4)
Allergy-friendly food drive (module 4)
Allergy-friendly food drive variation (module 4)
Allergic reaction/anaphylaxis role play (culminating activity)
“Jeopardy” game (culminating activity)
Student anaphylaxis emergency response exercise (culminating activity)

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* 2. Which curriculum areas did you apply this program to? Check all that apply.

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* 3. Did you face any obstacles in delivering this program? If so, please explain.

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* 4. Caroline Lorette of New Brunswick is the inspiration for this school program. Students are introduced to her in the “Meet Caroline” video and then learn more about her throughout the modules. Did this help to enhance the learning or improve the engagement of this program?

Question Title

* 5. Rate the effectiveness of the program in teaching students the following: [scale of “not effective, slightly effective, moderately effective, very effective, extremely effective”]

  Not effective Slightly effective Moderately effective Very effective Extremely effective
Food allergy is a medical condition that needs to be taken seriously
Knowing what is required to avoid a food allergic reaction
Knowing when and how to treat anaphylaxis
Increased confidence in treating anaphylaxis with epinephrine
Understanding how to support those with food allergy
Developing empathy around what it takes to be a food allergy ally

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* 6. In your own words, describe the impact of this program.

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* 7. What food allergy or anaphylaxis questions were asked by your students that you need more information on?

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* 8. Where do you currently get your information on teacher resources?

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* 9. What would you recommend for increasing awareness of this program with other teachers, school boards, and ministries of education?

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* 10. How important is the incentive to win monetary awards for your classroom in selecting this program

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* 11. First name

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* 12. Last name

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* 13. Email address

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* 14. Role

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* 15. What grade(s) do you teach? Check all that apply

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* 16. Your school board (list full name)

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* 18. Approximately how many students did you teach this program to?

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* 19. Would you recommend this program to others?

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* 20. Are you interested in joining our Educator Advisory Board? As a part of this board, we would ask for your insights related to our school programming and help in broadening the reach of this program.

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* 21. Please provide any additional feedback on the “All about food allergy” program.

Thank you for providing your valuable feedback! You will automatically be entered into our draw to win 1-of-10 $200 gift cards for your classroom. The winner will be notified by end of June.