Thank you for participating in the 2023 Digital Strategy Outlook Survey!
Sponsored by: hjc Care2 Fundraise Up & Tatango

We know you are busy, so we have structured this important survey into 7 quick sections that you should be able to complete within 21 minutes. To speed completion, we recommend that you have access to some basic statistics about your digital activities. If there are things you can't fill out - that's OK - do your best; all answers are important to us and the study.

Finally, remember you can qualify for a $100 (USD) Visa, Apple, Google Play, or Amazon card if you complete the survey.  Thanks so much in advance for your valuable input and for helping us make the sector stronger!

Responses will be reported anonymously in aggregate, and you will be notified when the report is published.

Question Title

* 1. If you would like to be considered for the $100 (USD) Visa/Apple/Google Play/Amazon card, please include your email address here so we can be in touch! We will also send you the report once it is finished.