Date: Saturday, May 17, 2025

Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (check-in begins at 7:15 AM)

Location: Great Hall Convention Center, 5121 Bay City Rd, Midland, MI 48642

Event Description: It's a one-day, Gospel revival! This event is for anyone looking to deepen their own faith and those searching for answers to life's deepest questions. This will be a powerful experience of the Gospel, worship, fellowship, and the call to mobilize for mission.

International Speaker: Fr. John Riccardo

Worship Leader: Sarah Kroger

Cost: $40/ticket or $30/ticket for a table of 8 (tickets will have a table number and seat number, if you would like to sit together, please purchase your tickets all at once) - NO REFUNDS AND NO TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOOR

Includes: a light breakfast, lunch, snack, and beverages

Hotel Accommodations: A block of rooms is available at the Fairfield Inn & Suites, Midland at a group rate of $139/night. Deadline to make a reservation is April 18. Click here to make a reservation.

Deadline to register: May 11, or until tickets are sold out

Click here to view the flyer.

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* 2. Please enter your address:

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* 4. Please enter your phone number:

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* 6. Please enter the name of your parish or type "N/A":

If paying online with credit/debit card, proceed to question #7. If paying by check, proceed to question #8. Please select only one option.
If paying by check, please make payable to Diocese of Saginaw, and mail to Diocese of Saginaw, Attn: Amy Dore, 5800 Weiss St, Saginaw, MI 48603. Tickets will be mailed upon receipt of payment or available at Will Call on the day of the event.