Thank you for your interest in On the Table.

If you are interested in hosting an On the Table, please complete the short survey below. Before you do, we recommend reading the FAQs on our webpage here.

We will be back in touch once we’ve reviewed all the expressions of interest. Hosts will get information about how to make the most of your event.

Any data you give us will only be used for the purpose of running On the Table.

Question Title

* 1. Will your On the Table be hosted by

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* 2. Please give us the key contact details for your event (this should be the person who will take responsibility as host).

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* 3. Tell us a bit about your idea for an On the Table. What sort of people do you want to invite? How many guests are you aiming for? What venue will you use? What refreshment or food might you offer? (250 words max.)

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* 4. Where will your event take place?

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* 5. When between late September and late November would you want to run your event? (250 words max.)

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* 6. Will you need any financial support for your event? If so, please let us know what costs you’d like to ask the Community Foundation to cover e.g. catering, venue hire, transport, access support and how much you think this will be in total. Please note we are offering a possible £50 to £200 for each event. (250 words max.)

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* 7. Please use this space to give us any other information – for example, if you’d like to run more than one On the Table, or if you’re planning to combine On the Table with an existing event. (250 words max.)

Thank you for completing the survey. Please click 'Done' when you're finished.