Tate's School is celebrating our 55th Anniversary in the 2022-23 school year! We need your help to update your records. Please complete the form below (it takes about 5 minutes) and feel free to share this form with your parents and siblings!

Question Title

* 1. How are you affiliated with Tate's School? (check all that apply)

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* 2. Current Contact Info

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* 3. Business Contact Info

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* 6. What is your spouse's name?

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* 7. What are the names & ages of your children?

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* 8. Educational Paths Taken

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* 10. Tell us a little about yourself. What are your areas of expertise? Ex. Major in college, things that you absolutely love doing, languages spoken, etc.)

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* 12. Please provide your parents contact information. Also, please provide both addresses if living in different locations. Emails and phone numbers would be very helpful.

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* 14. I would like to: (choose all that apply)

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* 15. If you would like to leave a message for Mrs. Lou L Tate and/or a special teacher at Tate's, please use the box below for your comments.

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* 16. You are welcome to leave additional questions and comments here:

You are the best! Thank you for helping us stay in touch. We have been eager to catch up with you for some time now. We are so very proud of all of our students. Watch your email for more information on current events!
100% of survey complete.