Exit this survey CALL FOR SPEAKERS *Speaker's information will be reviewed by the CANASA Regional Councils when planning for their regional events. Speakers and Presenter Guidelines can be found here: Presenter Guidelines . For questions and more information, please email Erin Marsden at emarsden@canasa.org Question Title * 1. Speaker Information Name: Title: Company: Email: Phone: City: Province: Website: LinkedIn: Social Media Handles: Question Title * 2. Topics: Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Question Title * 3. Available to speak in: St. John's, NL Halifax, NS Moncton, NB Quebec City, QC Montreal, QC Ottawa, ON Kingston, ON Toronto, ON Burlington, ON London, ON Winnipeg, MB Saskatoon, SK Edmonton, AB Calgary, AB Vancouver, BC Victoria, BC Remotely Via Webinar Question Title * 4. Speaker Biography: Question Title * 5. Speaker Picture (if available) PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Speaker Picture (if available) Question Title * 6. Speaker Biography File (if available) PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Speaker Biography File (if available) Question Title * 7. Brief description of Topics (if applicable) Question Title * 8. Are you interested in presenting in a webinar format? Yes No Question Title * 9. Do you give CANASA consent to use any video or audio recordings of the presentation for online participants when available? Yes No Question Title * 10. Are you interested in Sponsorship Opportunities for the event? (if applicable) Yes No Question Title * 11. Other comments *Speaker's information will be reviewed by the CANASA Regional Councils when planning for their regional events. Speakers and Presenter Guidelines can be found here: Presenter Guidelines . For questions and more information, please email Erin Marsden at emarsden@canasa.org Done