Please take the survey below and help the University of Colorado Office of Advancement and the CU Foundation in our effort to improve our website and giving portal. Your feedback is important to us, and is vital to our effort to create the best possible online gift-giving experience for you and future CU supporters like you. Thank you!

Question Title

* I am (select all that apply):

Question Title

* Have you ever given to CU and the CU Foundation online?

Question Title

* How did you get to the website?

Question Title

* Why did you visit (select all that apply)

Question Title

* How would you rate the website in the following areas?

  1 - Poor 2 3 4 5 - Excellent
Design – how it looks
How easy it is to use
Quality of content and information

Question Title

* Did you have any problems while on the website?

Question Title

* What do you like most about

Question Title

* What do you find most frustrating about Any features you would change or could live without?

Question Title

* Any additional thoughts, ideas or feedback about

Question Title

* If you need us to follow up with you about any issues you've had, please enter your email address: