Established in 1981, ADEA will celebrate its 35th year of service in diabetes and diabetes education in 2016.

We are inviting long-term members to share with us how ADEA has had an impact on you, your career, your networks and your knowledge of diabetes and diabetes education. Your responses might be used in testimonials and materials about ADEA and its history. For further information, please contact 

Submission will be closed on 30 June 2015.

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* 1. By providing your responses below, you give us permission to use them in testimonials and materials about ADEA and its history.

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* 2. If you could describe what ADEA has meant for you personally in one word, what would it be?

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* 3. Why was it important that ADEA was established in 1981? What do you understand was the need for its establishment?

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* 4. Can you tell us a bit about the early days of ADEA - what was it like, how it operated, the health care environment in which it worked? 

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* 5. How have you seen ADEA evolve over these 35 years?

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* 6. What have been the highlights for you as a member of ADEA?

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* 7. What do you think are the contributions that ADEA has made to people with diabetes?

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* 8. How do you think ADEA should continue to evolve in the current environment of major health reforms, technological and economic changes? 

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* 9. If you would like to hear more about this history project, please leave your contact details below.

Thank you for your participation. If you would like to share your photos at ADEA events, please send copies to