Question Title

* 1. Full Name

Question Title

* 3. Phone Number

Question Title

* 4. Organization/Affiliation

Question Title

* 5. Title of Your Presentation

Question Title

* 6. Brief Description of Your Presentation

Question Title

* 7. Preferred Presentation Format

Question Title

* 8. Target Audience for Your Presentation

Question Title

* 9. Have you presented at other conferences before?

Question Title

* 10. If Yes, please list some of the conferences where you have presented.

Question Title

* 11. Any additional comments or special requirements?

Question Title

* 12. Please provide the names and contact information of any co-presenters.

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* 13. Please provide a brief bio for each presenter.

Question Title

* 14. Please provide a headshot for each presenter (URL or upload link).

Question Title

* 15. Please list, if you would like, any underrepresented or marginalized group(s) that you (and/or your co-presenters) identify with. We respect human diversity and understand that ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression are sensitive and personal matters. We will use your responses to improve the effectiveness of our organization and ensure we address the needs of the entirety of our community.

Question Title

* 16. Are you (and your co-presenters) prepared to travel to Natick, Massachusetts to present live on June 5 or 6?

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* 17. Indicate the topic areas of your presentation: Priority Topics

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* 18. Are you able to supply a recording of your presentation ahead of the event and your deck?

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* 19. Is your session promotional or a sales or feature pitch?

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* 20. Is there anything else we should know? (Issues, accommodations, special requirements, scheduling challenges)

Question Title

* 21. By submitting this "Call for Sessions" form, I agree to the attendees' and speakers' terms and conditions. Additionally, CMG may store my information and contact me related to event promotions and speaking opportunities.