Second Session: AdHoc Committee to Draft TOR for a UN Framework Convention on Int. Tax Cooperation
In its resolution 78/230, the General Assembly decided to establish an open-ended ad hoc intergovernmental committee for the purpose of drafting terms of reference for a United Nations framework convention on international tax cooperation. The mandate of the Ad Hoc Committee is to draft terms of reference for a United Nations framework convention on international tax cooperation.
During its First Session, held in New York from 26 April to 8 May 2024, the Ad Hoc Committee undertook a substantive scoping of the possible content of the draft terms of reference (ToR). The Committee also discussed the timeline for the inter-sessional work, in preparation for its Second Session.
At its Second Session, to be held in New York from 29 July to 16 August 2024, the Committee will discuss and decide on the draft ToR. The draft ToR will be contained in the report of the Committee, to be submitted to the General Assembly for its consideration at its seventy-ninth session.
At its Second Session, to be held in New York from 29 July to 16 August 2024, the Committee will discuss and decide on the draft ToR. The draft ToR will be contained in the report of the Committee, to be submitted to the General Assembly for its consideration at its seventy-ninth session.
Kindly visit the Committee's website to learn more about how to register for the Committee Meeting.