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Event Information

DATE: Thursday, February 15, 2024
TIME: 11:00 AM ET
DURATION: 1 hour 30 minutes (12:30 PM ET end time)

About This Event

The Antitrust Division Diversity Committee will be hosting a virtual panel discussion for current and recent undergraduates interested in criminal, civil, and policy-focused job opportunities in law and public services, with a focus on the paralegal position. This panel will feature current Division paralegals discussing the work of the Antitrust Division, the transition from undergraduate to a full-time legal career, and being a member of a dynamic workplace where employee diversity is celebrated and supported.

To learn about the mission and work of the Antitrust Division, please visit:

For any questions or to request a reasonable accommodation, please contact us at ATR.Diversity-Outreach@USDOJ.GOV. Please submit requests for reasonable accommodations no later than three business days before the event.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 3. Agency

Question Title

* 4. Job Title

Question Title

* 5. School

Question Title

* 6. Major

Question Title

* 7. Graduation Year

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