Community Outreach Web Survey

DAIL has engaged BerryDunn, an independent consulting firm, to use a multi-method approach to complete a statewide needs assessment. The results of BerryDunn’s review will assist in the development of Kentucky’s State Plan on Aging, a program requirement that is submitted to the Administration for Community Living (ACL). This plan provides goals and objectives related to assisting older Kentuckians, their families, and caregivers. It is the blueprint for coordination and advocacy activities the Commonwealth of Kentucky will undertake to meet the needs of older adults and support DAIL’s mission statement: “to promote the welfare, dignity, and independence of older adults, individuals with physical disabilities and adults in need of a guardian.” 

BerryDunn has developed a web survey to gather information from community members interested in sharing their feedback. The survey's purpose is to assist with identifying and prioritizing service needs for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, including an evaluation of the programs currently provided by DAIL. The findings from the web survey, which will remain anonymous, will also be used to create listening session questions to affirm the information gathered, dive deeper into a topical discussion, and close gaps in the knowledge for the assessment. The survey should take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and you will have the opportunity to share your opinions regarding the current structure and status of the organization. Your participation is critical to help ensure the success of this project and the changes that result from it. It is important that this survey is completed in a timely manner to gather critical information, develop findings, and make appropriate recommendations to DAIL leadership for assistance with the State Plan on Aging. 

We kindly ask that you complete the survey by February 26, 2024.  

We thank you for your support and time in completing this survey. If you have any questions regarding this project or survey, please do not hesitate to contact DAIL core project team members Sarah Puttoff at

If you wish, you may also contact the BerryDunn core project team member Shelly Brubaker at or Laura Perez at 
Please DO NOT include any Protected Health Information (PHI)/ Personally Identifiable Information(PII) in your responses. 

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* 1. Please select the age range that best represents your age. 

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* 2. Please select the sex category that you identify with.

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* 3. Please select the category that best describes your personal income last year. 

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* 4. Do you live in a rural area (50,000 people or less)?

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* 5. I am familiar with the services and support available through DAIL program providers (e.g., meal delivery, assistance with obtaining employment, social events, etc.). 

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* 6. Do you feel positively or negatively about the services and support available through DAIL program providers? 

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* 7. What would be the best way for you to receive information about current or new services and supports offered in your community? (select all that apply)

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* 8. What services and supports would you be the most interested in learning more about? (select all that apply)

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* 9. Which factors that impact the health and wellbeing of older adults and individuals with physical disabilities are most important to you? (select all that apply)

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* 10. Please rate your overall health.

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* 11. What are the biggest barriers that prevent you from seeking services and support available through DAIL program providers? (select all that apply)

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* 12. What services do you need to remain independent at home? 

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* 13. What services do you think are most needed to help senior citizens? 

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* 14. What would increase your interest in utilizing services and support available through DAIL program providers? (optional)

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* 15. Is there any additional feedback you want to provide?

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* 16. Please provide your name and email if you are interested in being contacted by DAIL for additional information. (optional)