10% of survey complete.
The Productivity Commission recently made a number of recommendations in its draft report on Australia's workplace relations framework.

The Commission has pitched a number of suggested changes to the Fair Work regime to bring it more in line with business realities and expectations.

CCIQ has largely welcomed the direction of the Productivity Commission in making sensible recommendations to achieve a more balanced system that benefits both employers and employees.

This survey is intended to examine how the Commission's proposed changes to the workplace relations system would impact on small businesses in Queensland.

Your participation in this survey will ensure we accurately reflect your views in our submission to the Productivity Commission's draft report, as well as public hearings throughout the consultation process, to achieve greater balance in the Fair Work regime on behalf of Queensland small businesses.

Question Title

* 1. What is the total number of employees in your organisation?

Question Title

* 2. Which industry sector is your business primarily involved?

Question Title

* 3. What is the postcode of your business?