
The City of Orillia has initiated the Our Orillia Official Plan Review (OPR). The Official Plan is a long-term policy document that guides land use planning decisions in the City over the next 30 years. The purpose of the OPR is to ensure conformity with the latest polices set out by the Province of Ontario. Key themes of the OPR include intensification and land use, affordable housing, climate action, transportation, infrastructure, community services, and protection of natural areas.

Stage 1 of Our Orillia is complete and involved learning about the current planning framework of the City, identifying big moves, and establishing the vision and the ‘Made in Orillia’ planning principles. A City Moves Report was prepared as part of this stage to showcase big moves, key questions, and ideas for the future of growth and development in Orillia. The City Moves Report was endorsed, in principle, by Council at its meeting held on March 4, 2024.

Stage 2 of Our Orillia OPR is in underway and includes the development of a series of Issues and Options Reports. These Reports focus on the key policy areas that were explored in the City Moves Report: growth management and intensification, affordable housing, climate change and sustainability, transportation, and natural heritage systems, to propose a series of policy directions informed by best practices, legislated requirements and the stakeholder feedback received in Stage 1. These issues and options provide the basis for community and stakeholder consultation in Stage 2 of Our Orillia OPR and will inform a subsequent Policy Directions Report, which will recommend specific actions to implement in the draft Official Plan.

The Issues and Options Reports are detailed and linked below, once you have reviewed, we encourage you to complete a brief survey on each of the topics. At the City of Orillia’s Planning for the Future Webpage you can submit feedback on the Issues and Options Reports directly to City Staff and / or subscribe to receive updates on the status of the Our Orillia OPR.