General Information

This Delphi study aims to collect expert feedback on certain topics related to the design, implementation, and evaluation of digital harm reduction services. These results will be aggregated to identify the best tools to ensure accessible service provision across digital harm reduction services.

Previously, we conducted the first round of the Delphi, which explored the relevance of a set of quality standard statements to providing accessible digital harm reduction services. This is, therefore, a continuation of the first round, and aims to identify the importance of each item. The primary goal of the second round is to narrow down the content to a set of 'basic standards' that are realistic to implement.

The study is part of the BOOST project, which aims to support and strengthen community-based and community-led organizations in combatting the spread of communicable diseases.

Digital harm reduction services should be understood as online services such as e-health, mobile health, telehealth, and the use of any digital technology, that facilitates harm reduction.

Who should participate?

This Delphi study is designed for experts in:
  • Digital harm reduction services,
  • Harm reduction services, and
  • Digital services.
At the beginning of the survey, you will be asked to indicate your field of expertise.

You can complete the survey in multiple sessions. As long as you log on from the same device, your answers will be saved. This survey will take roughly 15 - 20 minutes to complete.

Thank you for your time and collaboration in shaping the future of digital harm reduction services! In case of any questions or further information, please, feel free to contact

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* 1. Please, confirm your expertise in any of the following areas. By selecting an option, you affirm you have the necessary knowledge to contribute meaningfully to this survey.

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* 2. Please, confirm your consent for the information you provide to be used in analysis, reports and publications related to this survey. Your contribution will be anonymous and aggregated and any personal information will remain confidential.

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* 3. Please, provide your email address to allow us to contact you regarding follow-up questions or updates related to this survey.

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* 4. Please provide your current location (country) to help us analyse the geographical distribution of responses.

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* 5. Did you complete the Delphi Round 1?