State Team Application Evaluation Peer Learning Cohort (EvalPLC)

The EvalPLC is an interactive technical assistance forum for up to six state teams representing core Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs. Selected state teams will have the opportunity to learn from experienced evaluators, state and national subject matter experts, and each other. During EvalPLC, each state team will develop a capstone project to support developing and implementing research and evaluation at the state or local level. This capstone project may involve activities like creating an evaluation design plan for a research project, fashioning a statement of work for a request for proposal for an evaluation, or creating a state evaluation action plan.
 Applications DUE:  September 10th, 2021

Section A. Lead Applicant Information

Question Title

* Lead Applicant/Team Lead (representing state workforce agency under WIOA):

This application was produced by Safal Partners and funded, either wholly or in part, with federal funds from the USDOL Employment and Training Administration under task order number: 1630DC-19-E-F-0024 and contract number 1630DC-18-A-0005.
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