Public Consultation Process for the Statement of Strategy 2023-2026

Tailte Éireann is currently seeking input on the development of its first Statement of Strategy, covering the period 2023-2026.

We are a new State agency brought about by the merger of the Property Registration Authority, the Valuation Office and Ordnance Survey Ireland. We provide a comprehensive and secure property title registration system, a professional State valuation service and an authoritative national mapping and surveying infrastructure.

The new Strategy will be prepared having regard for the external environment in which we operate and our ability to adapt to changing economic, demographic, environmental and technological conditions.

Our new Statement of Strategy will reflect the Government’s priorities as set out in the Programme for Government (Our Shared Future) and other overarching policy frameworks including, Our Public Service, the Civil Service Renewal 2030 and the National Digital Strategy.

To assist us in defining our strategic vision for the next three years, we invite you to submit your views for consideration in the development of the Strategy.

We would welcome your views specifically on the following questions. The survey will close on 16 June 2023.

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* 1. Are you a customer or service user of Tailte Éireann?

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* 2. If you are a customer or service user, which of the Tailte Éireann Divisions do you interact with the most (if more than one, rate from one to three)

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* 3. If you are a customer or service user, how would you rate your level of satisfaction with the service you received? (Please provide additional information in the comment box.)

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* 4. If you are a customer or service user, how often do you interact with Tailte Éireann?

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* 5. What is the nature of your business?

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* 6. What best describes your level of responsibility?

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* 7. What long term outcomes, if any, do you expect from the establishment of Tailte Éireann?

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* 8. How could our land, property and geospatial services be further enhanced?

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* 9. How do we ensure that we place our customers and service users at the centre of all that we do?

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* 10. Are there any future market and other challenges we should prioritise and plan for?

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* 11. Are there opportunities, new developments, or innovations that we should consider when developing our digital-first data-driven strategy which would advance the strategic goals of our organisation?

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* 12. What metrics should we use to measure our performance and monitor achievement of the strategic goals of our organisation?

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* 13. Do you have any other general views on the strategic direction of Tailte Éireann?