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The City of Grand Junction is initiating a project to update the zoning and development regulations. These include the City's regulations related to planning, zoning, and subdivision.
As part of the project initiation, we would like to hear from Grand Junction residents, business and property owners, and any other interested persons regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the current Grand Junction development regulations.
This questionnaire is a starting point for you to provide feedback. You may also sign up to receive project updates on the website that will alert you via email regarding upcoming meetings, availability of deliverables, and other relevant project information.

You are welcome to respond to all of the questions, or just those for which you have feedback.

Question Title

* How often have you used the Z&DC in the past 12 months?

Question Title

* Which section(s) of the current Z&DC are you most familiar with?

Question Title

* Have you ever participated in a planning, zoning, or subdivision process or project in the City?

14% of survey complete.