A hold request must be completed for each participant.

Funding for this training is made possible with a grant from the MN Department of Education. The sources of the funds are: Federal award Special Education – Programs to States, CFDA 84.027A Special Education. And federal award – Project Title: Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities CFDA 84.326T of P.L. 108-446 Individuals with Disabilities Act.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Person Information 

Question Title

* 2. Select the district's region below:

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* 3. Responsible Party Information

(The responsible party is the person who approves the intervener training invoice for payment, often the special education director.)

Question Title

* 4. Only for participants traveling from outside of the metro area, please indicate support for a single occupancy hotel room (The MN DeafBlind Project grant pays for a double occupancy room.  Some participants request a single occupancy hotel room, so we need your input.)

Question Title

* 5. DeafBlind Student Information

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* 6. Has the DeafBlind student already been counted in the national child count completed by the teacher of blind/visually impaired and/or teacher of deaf/hard of hearing?

If not, have your teacher of blind/visually impaired and teacher of deaf/hard of hearing complete the form. See the link:

Link to current Federal Child Count Form: https://SBC.formstack.com/forms/mn_deafblind_project_federal_census2024

Question Title

* 7. Has an intervener been hired for this student yet?

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* 8. If you have hired an intervener, what is the intervener's name and email address?
Note: We will send a registration link directly to participants in September to complete the registration process.

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* 9. If you have not yet hired an intervener, when do you hope to fill the position?

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100% of survey complete.