Welcome to PaLM's Adult Short-Term Missions Reference Form.
Your participation in this evaluation will help us obtain current, objective, and valid information regarding the applicant's character and qualifications to participate on our short-term missions trip.
Please be aware that any information you provide will be regarded as highly confidential and will only be seen by PaLM's Short-Term Missions Committee and/or other PaLM representative and will not be shared with the candidate.
1. Please complete this reference in "one sitting" because once you hit the "DONE" button, you will NOT be able to re-enter this reference form.
Your participation in this evaluation will help us obtain current, objective, and valid information regarding the applicant's character and qualifications to participate on our short-term missions trip.
Please be aware that any information you provide will be regarded as highly confidential and will only be seen by PaLM's Short-Term Missions Committee and/or other PaLM representative and will not be shared with the candidate.
1. Please complete this reference in "one sitting" because once you hit the "DONE" button, you will NOT be able to re-enter this reference form.
2. Generally, it will take you less than 10 minutes to complete this form.
3. If more than one person in a family asks you to complete a reference form, a separate reference form is needed for each applicant.
3. If more than one person in a family asks you to complete a reference form, a separate reference form is needed for each applicant.