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Please contact Rosalyn Bandy with any questions about the survey:

To be eligible for this scholarship, you must have completed at least one semester of college. High School students are not eligible at this time. The completed application and all required documents must be received by midnight May 13, 2024

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* 1. Please enter your contact information.

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* 2. School Information

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* 3. Contact Information for Financial Aid or Bursar Office
Any payments will be sent directly to this address on your behalf.

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* 4. Job information (if applicable)

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* 5. High School Information

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* 6. Provide a brief background. 
Tell us about yourself. Describe any relevant courses or jobs you've had. What lessons have you learned from these experiences? How do these lessons relate to your pursuit of a career in the print industry? Why do you want to work in the print and packaging industry?

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* 7. Career/Education Goals
Describe what your educational goals are and the career path you plan to pursue. How do these goals relate to the print and packaging industry?

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* 8. Highlight Accomplishments
Use this space to demonstrate your strengths and show what sets you apart from other candidates. Feel free to include internships, volunteer work or extracurricular activities. Remember to make a connection to the goals of your future career.

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* 9. Express Need
Are there any unique challenges throughout your life that make paying for college more difficult?

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* 10. Please provide 2 letters of recommendation. One should be from an educator, including professors, instructors, or advisors. The second could be from a supervisor at your job or internship, a mentor, coach, or another educator. 

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* 11. Second letter of recommendation

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* 12. Optional, but strongly suggested: Provide samples or documentation that demonstrate interest in the tag, label, and package printing industry. For example: graphic design work, packaging that you have designed or printed, projects or presentations that you are proud of.

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* 13. Please provide your most recent transcript with grades; official or unofficial are acceptable.

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* 14. Agreement
By submitting this application, I understand that if I receive a scholarship award that it may be withdrawn for any of the following reasons:

- A semester GPA below a 3.0
- No longer being enrolled as a college student
- No longer pursuing a career in the label and packaging printing industry
- False information on the application

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* 15. Does TLMI have your permission to share your contact information with TLMI's member companies for possible employment opportunities?

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* 16. Are you interested in part time work or internship opportunities?

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* 17. Optional: What areas of the printing industry are you interested in (we can help with your job search).

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