This award is intended to recognize a student who has overcome challenges in realizing his or her life/work potential.

A certificate of life/work achievement will be presented to award recipients. Also, $500, $300 and $200 checks will be presented to the first, second and third place award recipients.

  • The student is enrolled in the final year of a PDE-approved career and technical education program.
  • The student is receiving support services during the current year in one or more of the special population categories as defined in Perkins V.
  • The student shows a personal commitment to maximizing individual potential.
  • The student demonstrates social skills which enhance employability.
  • The student exhibits a strong personal work ethic.
  • The student demonstrates occupational skill attainment in a career and technical education program.
This federal law defines special populations students as:

Individuals with disabilities; individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including low-income youth; individuals preparing for non-traditional fields; single parents, including single pregnant women; English learners; homeless individuals; youth who are in, or have aged out of, the foster care system; and youth with a parent who is a member of the armed forces and is on active duty.
The committee can only form an accurate assessment of the student's accomplishments if the information provided is clear and complete. Following are the requirements for submission:

The nominator must be a current PACTESP member.
Each nomination application must be submitted by a professional educator or paraeducator who works directly with the student.
Each section of this nomination application must be completed in the space provided.
Each nomination application should provide clear and complete information about the student which is sufficient for the review committee to evaluate the student fairly. Below are suggestions for completing the application.
  • Describe the challenges the student faced in the past or currently faces, including the type of and specific characteristics of his or her disability or other challenges. How has the student developed and grown over her or his time in the career and technical education program? Tell us about the student.
  • Describe how the student has used the supports he or she has received to overcome those challenges?  Explain how the student has grown as a result of receiving supports. Describe the challenges the student faces in school and in his or her personal life. How has the student learned to overcome challenges?
  • Describe the support services provided to the student emphasizing the outcomes of those services. Describe the support services the student receives and has received in previous school years. For example, a student with disabilities may receive special education and other services to meet individual needs. A student who is homeless may receive counseling and support services from school staff and community agencies. How have these services helped the student overcome his or her life/work challenge?
  • Describe examples of the student’s commitment to maximizing individual potential, demonstrating social skills which enhance employability, and exhibiting a strong personal work ethic. Describe situations in which the student demonstrates personal and social skills which have developed and improved, including increased independence. How have these skills helped the student overcome her or his life/work challenge? If appropriate, include input from other educators, administrators, employers, community colleagues, etc.
  • Describe the student's success and the outcomes of the student's enrollment in a career and technical education program. Describe the nominee's occupational skill attainment and any certificates and credentials received by the student. If appropriate, include input from instructors, administrators, employers and/or community individuals. How have these outcomes helped the student overcome his or her life/work challenge?
Additional supporting documentation may also be included, i.e., career and technical education program task list, school transcript, awards and credentials, and letters of support.

If your student is chosen as an award recipient, the nominator will be contacted to complete a required Student Consent Form which is signed by the nominee and her or his parent or guardian for the use of photos and student information
Contact PACTESP Student Awards Chair, Carla Thimons at

This nomination application must be submitted by April 1, 2024.
A confirmation email with the completed application will be sent to the nominator.