Your votes help us create the Best Holiday Parks Awards, a list of the best places for Australian families to stay, as recommended by other families. The survey takes about 4 minutes to complete.

Plus by voting you could win a family holiday for 6 at Nobby Beach Holiday Village, valued at $1,978!

If at any point throughout this survey you cannot answer the question or do not have an answer, please leave it blank.

We respect your privacy and the information collected is only used to plan future issues of the magazine and collate the Best Holiday Park Awards. We do not share your data with anyone else. View competition T&Cs here.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Email address

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* 3. Postcode

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* 4. What is your age? 

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* 5. What is your combined household income?

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* 6. Gender

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* 7. How many children under 18 do you have? 

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* 8. How many domestic family holidays do you take each year?

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* 9. Please nominate your favourite family-friendly holiday park. Please include its full name and where it is located (especially if there is more than one caravan park in that suburb). For example, BIG4 Ballarat Goldfields, rather than BIG4 Ballarat.

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* 10. Which state is the park in?

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* 11. What does your family like most about this park?

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* 12. For BONUS entries into the Nobby Beach Holiday Village competition, follow us on social media.