2023 Engineers & Land Surveyors + Water's Worth It Day - Register On This Page

2023 Engineers & Land Surveyors Day + Water's Worth It  - Registration Page
Event Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023
9:00 AM - 11:45 AM: Engineers & Land Surveyors Day + Water's Worth It Day appointments with legislators
11:45 - 1:30 PM: Public Water Systems Awards Day Lunch
In Great Hall, State House, Boston 

Before you Register on the Survey Monkey link below, Look up the names of your state legislators
-   To participate in the 2 morning appointments that we will schedule for small groups of constituents based on where you live and vote, you will need to give us the names of your State Senator and your State Representative.

-   Find these names on the State's website:

-   Enter your home address on the FindMyLegislator site, then press Search
-    Look for the names of your State Senator and your State Representative, shown on the site. Write those names down.

-   Then come back to this page, so you can enter the names of your State Senator and your State Representative, when asked, below.

Note: If the legislative seat is currently vacant, list "vacant" for that position. A special election may be underway for certain current vacant seats and you may have a new legislator in that seat by May 11.

Please list legislators where you live and vote when asked below. If you are a municipal employee and would prefer to be included in these morning legislative meetings based on where you work, please list 1 Senator and 1 Representative who each represent the community where you work. 

This is a free event for members of  ACEC/MA, BSCES, MALSCE, other associations affiliated with The Engineering Center Education Trust (TECET), Members of the Massachusetts Water Works Association, Massachusetts Water Environment Association, Massachusetts Highway Association, the MMA Policy Committee on Energy and the Environment, and the MMA Policy Committee on Public Works, Transportation & Public Utilities.
If you do not live/vote in Massachusetts, please do not register for Engineers and Land Surveyors Day at the State House, unless you are serving as a team captain or plan to join colleagues in their meetings – note that you’ll be joining in meetings with a particular colleague in your registration.

If you have questions about this event and need to talk with someone on the TECET staff, call 617-227-5551 during regular business hours, M-F, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM or Jennifer Pederson, Massachusetts Water Works Association, 978-263-1388 or jpederson@masswaterworks.org

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Question Title

* 1. Will you be attending Engineers & Land Surveyors + Water's Worth It Day at the Massachusetts State House on May 11, 2023 with a Morning briefing at 9 AM in the Great Hall, followed by appointments we arrange with your State Senator and your State Representative, based on where you live & vote?

Question Title

* 2. Will you be attending the Water's Worth It Day: Public Water Systems Awards lunch in the Great Hall that follows Engineers and Land Surveyors Day at the Massachusetts State House on May 11, 2023 at 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM.

Question Title

* 3. Is this your first time participating in this type of advocacy day at the State House?