Thank you for registering for the 2021 U.S. Pro Bono Summit: Corporate Series. You may RSVP for one or more sessions below. All sessions will take place on Zoom. You will receive a calendar invitation with the link to each session that you’ve registered for within 48 hours of registration.
Your responses are confidential and will be seen only by Taproot Foundation.

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Question Title

* 1. Please share the following information:

Session descriptions:

The Who’s Who of Pro Bono: Networking
Tuesday, October 19: 1pm ET/ 12pm CT/ 10am PT 

This closed-door session gives you the opportunity to meet your fellow practitioners to get to know each other, talk shop, and identify shared challenges and opportunities. This interactive session will build community and facilitate authentic connections.

Keeping DEI Front and Center In Your Pro Bono Programming
Thursday, October 21st at 2pm ET/ 1pm CT/ 11am PT

As part of Taproot's continued investment in DEI, this session will explore how corporate institutions can use the principles of "transformational capacity building" to combat the varied and nuanced ways in which corporate practices and culture may hinder or undermine pro bono efforts with nonprofits serving and/or led by those who hold marginalized and minoritized identities. Led by Kevin Nigarura, a DEI Strategist at Justice Informed, this workshop will allow participants to locate their efforts within these dynamics and identify key opportunities to combat or challenge these damaging approaches and cultural norms.

Design by Intention: Company Showcase
Wednesday, October 27: 1pm ET/ 12pm CT/ 10am PT

Hear from a select group of practitioners who have built pro bono programs that are designed intentionally to meet their company’s strategic business and social impact goals. Then engage in a discussion about building pro bono programs that take into account focus areas such as scaling, reaching new communities, integrating DEI objectives, and more. You’ll leave this session with new ideas and actionable steps to increase impact within your new or existing pro bono programming.

Question Title

* 2. Which Session(s) would you like to attend?