Cultivating Generous Congregations

Please take a few moments to complete this short questionnaire. Your individual responses are anonymous. The results of this questionnaire will be used to help your congregation, your synod, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America learn more about your congregation.

Question Title

* Please indicate your level of disagreement or agreement with each of the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree I am not sure
I believe everything I have comes from God.
I believe everything I have belongs to God.
I have made a personal commitment of my time, talents and treasures.
I am a generous person.
I understand the mission and priorities of my congregation.
I believe my congregation is fulfilling its vision and mission.
I understand where the offerings in my congregation go.
I can connect the mission of my congregation with the mission of the ELCA.
I believe growing toward a tithe (giving 10 percent of income) is a basic faith practice.
I am striving toward tithing or beyond.
I give freely of what God has first given to me.
My gratitude for God’s blessing in my life continues to grow.
I believe my sharing of God’s blessing is a privilege.
I regularly experience abundant joy in my role as a steward of God’s blessing.
I am comfortable talking with others about my financial giving.
I am comfortable talking with others about their financial giving.
I see a spirit of gratitude and generosity in my congregation.
I am comfortable telling others about my congregation’s mission.
I understand my giving is part of my response to God’s call for mission.
I support my congregation’s efforts to grow mission support to the synod.
I believe generosity is a faith practice that begins in the home.
Learning about someone else’s generosity encourages me to be more generous.