Call for Proposals * Due November 30, 2018

If your company provides goods and/or services to home care, home health and/or hospice providers, there is a separate Call for Proposals for you to complete. Others please continue.

By submitting a proposal, you are indicating that you are in agreement to providing the necessary information that AHHC needs in order to provide nurse contact hours to our attendees and to submitting your handouts by the date requested so that we can post them for attendees prior to the conference.

The proposal will be reviewed for: practical application of material; information that assists in problem solving; relevance specifically to home health, hospice, palliative care, private duty and/or companion sitter; timely or innovative topics; clearly identified content; expertise of presenter; and, potential interest to the audience.

If you are an Exhibitor or Sponsor submitting a proposal, we have to determine if there is a conflict of interest. All proposals should be free of commercial bias and references to commercial products or services and you will be required to disclose any vested interest (on a form we provide) with any commercial product or service that is directly or indirectly related to the educational presentation - per the ANCC guidelines for nurse contact hours. All presenters are required to use the AHHC provided PowerPoint template for presentations. While every effort will be made to accommodate your Audio/Visual needs, please note that AHHC does not provide laptops.

Please note: AHHC, as a non-profit, does not pay an honorarium or reimburse presenters responding to the Call for Proposals for hotel, travel, or per diem expenses. However, we do provide one non-transferable conference registration. If your proposal includes a panel presentation, only one conference registration is free and a conference registration is required for all other panelists at the AHHC member rate. Please contact Richard Fowlkes at if you have any questions!

Please note: preference will be given to topics that are exclusively focused on either Home Health, Hospice, or Home Care rather than topics that group the auspices together.

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* 1. Have you presented on this topic or similar topics before and if so where?

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* 2. Which auspice is your presentation specifically geared to? (select all that apply)

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* 3. While we cannot guarantee a day and time until all presentations are received, how much time do you need for your presentation?

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* 4. Provide the title and a brief description of your presentation (which, if chosen, will appear in the brochure). The description should be reflective of learning outcomes associated with this presentation.

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* 5. Please provide information on the presenter(s) below - including name, title/credentials, organization name, email address. If there are more than two presenters please complete the information below on two of the presenters and email the other presenter information to Please be sure the information you email is complete and includes all the info below.

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* 6. Please type your brief bio (this will appear on the conference website)

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* 7. What references will you use or have used to prepare this presentation - may be a federal web site or federal rules and regulations; data sources; articles and publications; etc.

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* 8. What discipline(s) would benefit most from your presentation? Check all that specifically apply.

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* 9. Please provide your contact information.