NCDC is seeking presenters for 2018 National Conference & Exposition (Wednesday, September 15 - Saturday, September 19 in Chicago, IL) as well as presenters for regional programs.

To be considered for the 2018 conference and 2018 Fall workshop series, submissions must be received by December 30. Submissions for other programs may be submitted at any time. 

Conference Submission Guidelines

  • Speakers must provide electronic presentations and/or handouts by August 18 to be posted to the conference website.
  • If speakers wish to distribute printed materials, they must provide these at their own expense. They can either ship them to be received by August 18 or bring them when they arrive at the Conference.
  • With rare exceptions, NCDC does not pay expenses such as hotels and airfare, nor offer speaker stipends. All speakers are responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses.
  • NCDC educational sessions may not contain direct sales information. Sponsorship opportunities are available for such presentations.
  • Presenters from for-profit companies are encouraged to include a non-profit co-presenter. Preference is given to NCDC Corporate Partners.