Thank you for your interest to serve SMART Recovery by becoming a member of the Board of Directors!

Upon completion of this form, please forward three letters of recommendation via email to Nominations are due by August 1st.  Appointments will be made at the September 2018 Board meeting and, if selected, board membership will commence on 12/31/18. We appreciate your support!

Question Title

* 1. Date of application

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* 2. I have work experience and professional expertise in the following area (if none apply, please check back in the future to determine if the skills you possess are needed by SMART).

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* 3. Name

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* 4. Address

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* 5. Home Phone

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* 6. Mobile Phone

Question Title

* 7. Current Employer (if applicable)

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* 8. Most recent past employers, job title and years of employment

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* 9. Please list boards and committees that you serve on or have served on (business, civic, community, fraternal, professional, etc.)

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* 10. Education or training

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* 11. Optional - have you received any awards or honors that you'd like to mention?

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* 12. How do you feel SMART Recovery would benefit from your involvement on the Board?

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* 13. I understand the requirement and will donate or solicit donations totaling $1000 per year during my term of service.

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* 14. Please tell us anything else you would like to share.

Thank you for completing this application!  Please be sure to email Susan Licate via to provide three letters of recommendation.