IVLA 2018 Proposal Submission Form (Due May 31, 2018)

* (asterisk) are required fields.

Question Title

* 1. Key presenter (contact person)

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* 2. Are you a current IVLA member? (If you plan to be a member before you register for the conference, check "Yes".)

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* 3. Additional presenters (please provide name(s), organization(s), and email address(es) (ex. John Smith, ABC Museum, johnsmith@ivla.org)

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* 4. Desired presentation format (choose one)

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* 5. If we cannot accommodate your desired format, what would be your alternative choices? (Choose TWO)

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* 6. Who would be your potential audiences?(check all that apply)

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* 7. Indicate your preferred day(s) of presentation. (Please understand we do not guarantee that your preference will be accommodated.) 

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* 8. Presentation title (max. 15 words)

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* 9. Which area(s) best describes your proposal topic? (choose up to three)

Question Title

* 10. Abstract (50-60 words for paper presentation, round table, or poster session, 100-150 words for panel session or workshop).
For the workshop, state any devices (smartphone, tablet, or laptop), software (or apps), or any other materials that participants need to bring.

Presentation Description (400-600 words)

Paper presentation, Round table, and Poster session: It could be based on research, theory, or practice.
If you are submitting a research-based proposal, the description should include significance and purpose of the research, research question(s) or problem(s), methods/procedure, results, conclusion, and references.
A theory or practice proposal could be an extended literature review, a case study, a narrative, or a demonstration. The description should include the significance of the work, the questions raised, the practice or findings (if appropriate), and conclusions reached.
Workshop: The proposal description should include specific activities and objectives of the workshop. Also state any devices (smartphone, tablet, or laptop), software (or apps), or any other materials that participants need to bring.
Panel session: In the proposal description, summarize the panel session, and include a 100-300 word summary for each individual position. The purpose of the individual summary is to describe the position of each panel participant and must illustrate the diversity of positions with respect to the central issue.

Question Title

* 11. Submit your presentation description here (400-600 words)

Question Title

* 12. Terms and Conditions

I may be contacted with regards to the submission to verify information, revise the session topic or concept, or consider the reformatting of a session.
I agree that I will not use any copyrighted material in my presentation unless I have obtained permission from the copyright holder to do so.
The names of all presenters and all abstracts will appear in printed and online program materials.
At least one presenter must register for the conference and be an IVLA member at the time of the conference.