The Oregon Winegrowers Association (OWA) is the only statewide organization scanning the horizon for emerging issues and advocating on behalf of Oregon's vineyards and wineries to decision-makers at the local, state and national levels to ensure our community's continued success. The OWA is a membership organization funded by dues contributions and provides 1) legislative and regulatory advocacy 2) legal guidance and regulatory compliance updates and 3) cost savings opportunities. The OWA is distinct from the Oregon Wine Board, which is funded by grape taxes and focuses on marketing, technical research and industry education. The OWA receives no portion of the industry's tax money.

Mission Statement: The Oregon Winegrowers Association advances and protects the investments of its members. Harnessing the power of state-wide consensus, the OWA stands as a vital advocate for the health, growth and economic sustainability of Oregon's wine grape growing and wine production community.

To be entered in to win one of three $100 gift cards, please complete this survey and follow the instructions on the thank you page. The survey below is an opportunity for our members to provide feedback on how the OWA can provide unprecedented member satisfaction.

Question Title

Considering the OWA's main focus areas relative to the cost of membership, how satisfied are you with your OWA membership? 10 being the most satisfied.

  1 (Completely Dissatisfied) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Completely Satisfied)
Satisfaction Level

Question Title

How likely are you to recommend OWA membership to a neighbor? 10 being the most likely.

  1 (Very Unlikely) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very Likely)
How Likely to recommend membership?

Question Title

Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with OWA's Legislative and Regulatory Policy Initiatives? (e.g. historic $500,000 general fund allocation for industry marketing and research, BOLI overtime fix, allowing tasting room and sales staff to test product integrity before serving customers, working with local grower groups to prevent asphalt batching near vineyards)

  (Completely Dissatisfied) (Completely Satisfied)
Satisfaction Level

Question Title

Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with OWA's Legal Guidance and Regulatory Compliance Information (e.g. Reference Toolbox, Dept. of Labor wage and hour forum, ICE immigration forum, music licensing webinar)

  (Completely Dissatisfied) (Completely Satisfied)
Satisfaction Level

Question Title

Have you reviewed the OWA's recently launched online Reference Toolbox to learn more about the regulatory and policy environment critical to running your business?

Question Title

Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with OWA's Cost Savings Opportunities and Discounts? (e.g. FedEx, Office Depot, Oregon Wine Symposium tickets)

  (Completely Dissatisfied) (Completely Satisfied)
Satisfaction Level

Question Title

Are there other Legislative and Regulatory Policy Initiatives, Legal Guidance and Compliance Information, or Cost Savings Discounts and Opportunities you would like to see the OWA focus on to improve your membership experience?

Question Title

Overall, how does the OWA rate on each of the following member engagement activities?

  Fair Average Good Excellent Unsure
Annual meeting with legislative reception and attendance at regional/local meetings
Member bulletins and email communications
Website content and information

Question Title

The monthly OWA Member Bulletin is our primary form of communication. How often do you read the OWA Member Bulletin?

Question Title

Are there other forms of communication that would encourage information exchange?

Question Title

Please indicate your Business type:

Question Title

Please indicate the AVA which you consider to be the primary location for your business operations:

Question Title

Please provide any additional feedback on how we can improve your overall satisfaction.