Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your degree:

Question Title

* 2. Please select your specialties:

Question Title

* 3. Please select the category you most identify with:

Question Title

* 4. Please select your post-training work experience:

Question Title

* 5. Select your primary workplace:

Question Title

* 6. After participating in this course, I am able to:

  Yes No
Discuss the opportunities opened up by the use of genomics and proteomics technologies in modern immunology.
Describe scientific reports on analysis of multidemensional data (NGS, microarray, mass/flow cytometry data analysis).
Discuss basic principles, challenges and applications of bioinformatics data analysis.
Describe the main components, tasks and challenges of genomics-based project in a grant proposal.
Describe dangers connected with overfitting, multiple hypothesis testing and bias.

Question Title

* 7. Introduction to Bioinformatics and Genomics

  Excellent Good Average Poor
Please rate the quality of this presentation

Question Title

* 8. Did you perceive bias?

Question Title

* 9. Bioinformatics Approaches in Immune and Translational Research

  Excellent Good Average Poor
Please rate the quality of this presentation

Question Title

* 10. Did you perceive bias?

Question Title

* 11. Big Data Driven Research

  Excellent Good Average Poor
Please rate the quality of this presentation

Question Title

* 12. Did you perceive bias?

Question Title

* 13. Presentation of Scientific Scenarios

  Excellent Good Average Poor
Please rate the quality of this presentation

Question Title

* 14. Did you perceive bias?

Question Title

* 15. Scientific Case Study Analysis

  Excellent Good Average Poor
Please rate the quality of this presentation

Question Title

* 16. Did you perceive bias?

Question Title

* 17. Moderated Discussion on a Scientific Pre-selected Paper

  Excellent Good Average Poor
Please rate the quality of this presentation

Question Title

* 18. Did you perceive bias?

Question Title

* 19. Will you change your practice/profession as a result of your participation in this course?

Question Title

* 20. Why did you choose to attend this course?

Question Title

* 21. Please offer your thoughts and comments on the course.