Spring, 2016 Application
Training Begins February 27 & 28, 2016

The application deadline is February 17, 2016
We still have early acceptance scholarships available. Submit your application today.

Thank you for applying to the Arizona Progressive Candidate Training Program! This is a non-partisan training. If you have any questions regarding the application or acceptance process, please contact Beth Meyer at bmeyer@azleadingforchange.org. You can also call 602.253.0119.

This training is also excellent for candidate campaign managers and ballot issue campaign managers/teams.

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* 1. Name and Contact Information:

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* 2. How did you learn about this training?

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We are committed to achieving diversity in our programs. Based on your comfort level, please fill in all or some of the information below in questions 3-7. All information will be kept confidential and is not used for determining your acceptance into the Candidate Training.


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* 4. Are you a First Generation American?

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* 5. Do you identify as LGBTQ?

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* 6. What is your age?

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* 7. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 8. Have you ever run for elected office?

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* 9. Have you ever managed a candidate or ballot issue i.e. Bond, Override campaign?

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* 10. If you are interested in managing a ballot issue i.e. bond, Override campaign, please tell a little about it. For instance, in what district, what ballot issue.

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* 11. When do you plan to run for office, or serve on a campaign?

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* 12. What office or type of campaign are you most interested in running for or serving on?

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* 13. In what district will you be running in or serving on a campaign? (City district, legislative district, school district, etc.)

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* 14. If elected to office, what changes do you want to make?

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* 15. Please describe any political or civic engagement work you are currently doing or have done in the past. (e.g. issue campaign volunteer, candidate campaign volunteer, register voters)

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* 16. This is a non-partisan candidate training for progressive individuals. Please describe what progressive means to you?

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* 17. What do you believe are the most important things you need to do to prepare to run for office or serve on a campaign?

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* 18. What do you hope to gain from this training?

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* 19. The training takes place over three weekends: February 27 & 28; March 12 & 13 and April 16 & 17. Will you be able to attend all training dates?

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* 20. Is there anything else that you'd like to share about yourself?