Registration form

Question Title

* 1. Title

Question Title

* 2. Full name (first, middle, last)

Question Title

* 3. Position

Question Title

* 4. Organization

Question Title

* 5. Complete address

Question Title

* 6. Country

Question Title

* 7. Your email(s) (use ; as separator)

Conference fees
International participant = US$ 350
Early bird* = US$ 250
Full-time student = US$ 150
Resident of Thailand = US$ 150
Group registration** = US$ 250 each
* Payment for Early bird registration must be received by UNESCO Bangkok by 19 October 2018.
** For 5 or more individuals from the same organization/institution.

Payment can made by sending a bank draft/bank check to the Conference Secretariat at the address below.

          UNESCO-APEID International Conference Secretariat
          UNESCO Bangkok

          920 Sukhumvit Road, Prakanong
          Bangkok 10110


When paying in Thai Baht, the payee is “UNESCO Bangkok”.
When paying in US$, the payee is “UNESCO”.