SC Thrive's 10th Annual Training
Charleston Area Convention Center
5000 Coliseum Drive
North Charleston, SC
September 28-29, 2020
You are invited to submit a proposal to share your experience and expertise at SC Thrive’s 10th Annual Training scheduled for September 28-29, 2020, at the Charleston Area Convention Center in North Charleston, South Carolina. Presentations will vary in length (60-75 minutes) and support the overall theme and focus areas listed below.
Decade of Endurance: Together We Thrive
SC Thrive is a statewide nonprofit offering solutions to South Carolinians in need of resources but facing a multitude of barriers. We provide a variety of engaging trainings and innovative technology to churches, libraries, schools, health clinics and other community organizations, so they can effectively help their customers and clients access needed resources. We meet people where they are in life, addressing their needs holistically to move them toward stability, then self-sustainability. SC Thrive focuses on access to work support resources through programs such as SNAP, Medicaid, financial literacy and various tax credits to move towards physical, mental, and financial health. With our theme Decade of Endurance: Together We Thrivewe want to celebrate the last 10 years of endurance with our partners across the state. 

 Focus Areas
Priority will be given to presentations that incorporate the theme "Decade of Endurance" with new or innovative trends and ideas that address one of the topic areas below:
1) Social Work
2) Outreach to Under-served Communities
3) Social Determinants of Health
4) Mental Health, including Self-care and Substance/Opioid Abuse 
5) Children's Health and Wellness, including Foster Care
6) Faith-based Communities
7) Community Collaborations
8) Grant Management & Fundraising
9) Financial Wellness
10) Technology
11) Food Security 
12) Workforce Development
13) Reentry Initiatives
14) Volunteer Management & Engagement
15) Veteran Resources
Should appeal to, but not limited to, the following audiences:
1) Educators & Institutions of Higher Learning
2) Case Managers
3) Nonprofits
4) Organizational Managers & Executives
5) Faith-based Organizations
6) Government Agencies
7) Healthcare Providers
8) Childcare Providers