1099 Pro - CRS Reporting Needs Assessment

Purpose: To gather information so that the software demonstration can be tailored to your specific needs.

Question Title

1. Your Name:

Question Title

2. Contact Information:

Question Title

3. Approximate Number Of:

Question Title

4. Approximate Number Of:

Question Title

5. List of Reporting Jurisdictions:

Question Title

6. Current Import File Format(s) for Account Data?

Question Title

7. Interested in Managed Services for:

Question Title

8. Hosting / data location requirements?

Question Title

9. Specific Security Concerns:

Question Title

10. Current CRS Software?

Thank you for taking the time to fill out 1099 Pro's CRS reporting survey.  A CRS Account Manager from 1099 Pro will contact you within one business day to discuss the software solution and review any questions that you might have.