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Ready to socialize? Introducing surveys for Facebook Messenger

Ready to socialize? Introducing surveys for Facebook Messenger

Meet people where they already are. It’s a mantra for many marketers—and it’s also a good reminder for any business communication that “where people are” can be an actual place, a mindset, or both.

But what happens when you’re in the right location, but you can’t get the attention of your audience?

As of last count, Facebook Messenger had over 1.3 billion monthly active users.* Although having a Facebook business page is important to connecting with Messenger users, many businesses struggle with how to gather meaningful feedback from their Facebook followers.

That’s one of the reasons why we just launched our Facebook Messenger survey experience. Now you can start asking people to have a quick and direct chat with you, but in a way that scales for your business. This gives you the opportunity to not just be in the right place, but also to put your audience into the right mindset to answer your questions. What’s more, in a recent study, we found that 9 out of 10 people who took a survey on Messenger enjoyed their experience and would take a survey again in the app. So why not surprise and delight people with a new way to take surveys? (If you’ve tried the beta version of this feature, check out the improvements we made based on your feedback.)

Your survey-takers will be able to complete your survey right in their Messenger app. Your survey will look just like a direct message—and it’ll feel just like a conversation where they’re responding to a few quick questions.

To create your own Facebook Messenger survey, you can use our pre-designed templates or start from scratch: check out our Facebook Messenger templates for Event feedback and Customer satisfaction (CSAT). You can create and send Facebook Messenger surveys right from your SurveyMonkey account or directly inside of Messenger too.

If you want to create your own survey from scratch, you can just create a survey from your account and then select the Facebook Messenger collector. You’ll be given the option to verify your survey to ensure it’s optimized for Messenger. (By default, surveys you create in Messenger will be optimized for the app and ready to send.)

With surveys for Facebook Messenger you get more ways to talk to your customers directly from your business page. Easily gauge customer satisfaction, loyalty, and more with surveys that feel like quick conversations. Check out our CSAT template for Messenger or create your own survey directly in Messenger.

Are you setting up events on Facebook? From your Facebook Events page, you can ask for real-time feedback, or follow up with your attendees either before or after your event too. Our Event Feedback template makes it easy to start quickly.

Messenger surveys are also great for getting feedback on anything from your products to your customer satisfaction. And if you’re providing customer service via your business pages, it also gives you the ability to survey customers right after answering their questions or concerns. You can either send a survey link in any existing direct message with a follower or just post it on your business page.

We’ve also just added more question types to our Facebook Messenger templates. From Net Promoter Score® to star ratings, now you can quickly get more of the answers you need. And we still support multiple choice, single textbox, text, image, and comment box questions too.

You can also choose to collect responses anonymously now. Get all the details on collector options to learn more about managing Messenger surveys. Or create your first Messenger survey today.

Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.