1. Informed Consent

You are invited to participate in an on-line survey aiding research investigating relationships and exposure to trauma.

1. To qualify for the study you must be at least 18 years of age able to complete an on-line survey.
2. The entirety of your participation in the study consists of filling out six brief questionnaires, as well as some demographics questions. It should take about 40 minutes to complete the surveys.
3. You will be asked some questions about traumatic events that may have happened to you. You do NOT have to talk about the details of your traumas and you do NOT have to answer any questions you do not want to. Should you become upset, toll-free numbers to call for assistance will be available on EVERY page (see below). You may stop participating at any time.
4. NO identifying information will be collected to ensure your anonymity.

It is possible that you may feel upset by some of the questions about how past traumatic experiences are currently affecting you and you may feel mild discomfort in discussing how you are functioning in your relationship (sexually and otherwise). If you should feel upset, please call the National Suicide Hotline (1-800-273-8255, veterans press 1), the National Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-656-4673), or the National Combat Call Center at 1-877-927-8387 (WAR-VETS). All are toll-free, 24-hour crisis lines. Additionally, you may also visit the Psychology Today website for assistance in locating a local therapist:


This information will be provided on every page.

Participants may benefit from the satisfaction of knowing they are contributing to research aimed at gaining knowledge that will help improve treatment for people who struggle with trauma and their relationships. Participants may also gain awareness about their relationship, sexuality, and ability co cope with trauma by completing the survey.

All information provided by the participant will be handled in a confidential manner to the extent permitted by law. Although the anonymity of the participant is assured, all data may be reported in journals or other professional, scientific communications.

There is no compensation for participating in this study. The University of Memphis does not have funds budgeted for medical treatment, reimbursement for medical treatment, property damages, or reimbursement for lost wages. These policies are not meant to restrict whatever rights to which you are legally entitled.

If you have any questions or concerns at any point in this study, whether they are about the study or your rights as a research participant, please feel free to direct your questions and comments to the principal investigator directing the study, Linda Baggett, Ph.D., (901) 678-2841. Questions about your rights as a research participant may also be directed to the Chair of the Committee for the Protection of Human Research Participants of the University of Memphis at (901) 678-2533.

Participation in this study is voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw from this study at any time.

Question Title

* 1. By completing the survey acknowledge that I am at least 18 years of age, have read and understood the above statements, and have decided to take part in the study.

9% of survey complete.