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The school is asking Triangle Associates to help board and administrative leadership undertake a strategic planning study. A significant part of the work that Triangle is doing consists of communicating with members of various stakeholder groups to gain insights and perspectives into how stakeholders perceive the school. To inform Triangle's work we are asking that you take a few moments to complete the following survey. This information will be especially helpful as we prepare the school for the future.

If you feel you cannot respond to a question either because you do not have enough information or it is not relevant to you, then please skip the question and move on to the next.

No individually identifying information will be connected to your answers and all data will be tabulated by the external consultants at Triangle Associates. Please contact Triangle if you have questions or concerns about your data.

Thank you in advance for your participation and for your continued support of our school.

Question Title

* 1. My relationship with St. Richard's is (please check the response that most accurately reflects your perspective when responding to this survey):

Question Title

* 2. I have been part of the school community for:

0 of 14 answered