Activities monitoring

The aim of this document is to gather inputs from all the Plateau members about their understanding of the activities they should perform in the coming weeks on the Starlings Plateau.

This initiative is not about controlling but lies within a collaborative framework to clarify roles & responsabilities of each of the Starlings Stakeholders, and and set up clear targets to be achieved together.
There are no good or bad answers, so feel free to share all your inputs, ideas and comments!

Question Title

1. Please enter your name:

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2. Your Circle:

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3. Your role
Please describe your understanding of your role and your perimeter within Starlings Plateau:

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4. Achievements
Please list the activities you have already started or completed in the Starlings Framework:

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5. Planned activities
Please list the activities you have identified to perform in the coming weeks on the Starlings plateau:

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6. Risks & needs
Do you have any specific needs to fulfil your mission (tools, trainings, inputs from other stakeholders, general awareness…) or risks you have identified?

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7. On a 1 to 10 scale, where 1 is "Not comfortable at all" and 10 is “Very Comfortable”, how comfortable do you feel with your activities on Starlings Plateau?

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8. On a 1 to 10 scale, where 1 is "Not confident at all" and 10 is “Very confident”, how confident are you regarding the start of the pilot phase scheduled for the beginning of October?

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9. Brainstorming and improvements
Please enter here any comments, ideas, concerns or feedback you would like to share:

Your feedback is much appreciated. You have now successfully completed the questionnaire - many thanks!