Southerners On New Ground (SONG) is working to create positive change for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer people across the South. Together we are working to build a better Alabama across lines of race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, age, immigration status, and culture. We want to hear what YOU think is most important to making Alabama a safer home for our LGBTQ communities and families.

We are engaging in a deep listening campaign throughout Alabama and other sub-regions of the South to build membership and learn about the conditions and issues facing our communities. We are doing this work, because we know that our voices are essential to building a Southern LGBTQ movement that can transform the region through strategic projects and campaigns developed in response to the current conditions in our communities.

In this short survey we ask about your identity to help keep SONG accountable to centering the voices of LGBTQ folks who are working class, poor, rural, people of color, immigrants, and people with disabilities. We are excited about this work and can't wait to hear from you!

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* 1. What is your race?

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* 2. Identify your class.
(These choices are based on individual annual income (salary plus other income), using the following guidelines. If you have dependents, please adjust accordingly)

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* 3. What is your gender identity?

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* 4. What is your primary sexual identity?

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* 5. Anything else you want to tell us about your identity (ability, age, immigration status, etc.)?

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* 6. What is hardest about your every day life as an LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) person (and all identities you hold) in Alabama?


If you could change one concrete thing in your life as an LGBTQ person (and all identities you hold) what would you change?

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* 7. What 3 issues (such as schools, violence, jobs, etc.) do you think are most important to LGBTQ people in Alabama?


What issues do you think affect enough LGBTQ people in Alabama that would bring people together to create change?

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* 8. What is one issue that you feel so passionate about that you would be willing to speak out on/work to change?


What strengths (if any) do you see in our Alabama LGBTQ communities?

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* 9. Thank you for helping SONG do deep listening work throughout Alabama! Your participation is vital to fighting for an LGBTQ movement that centers the voices and leadership of working class, people of color, people with disabilities, rural folks, and immigrants.

If you'd like to find out more about SONG's work or join us visit You can also contact the SONG field person working in AL, Mary Hooks at:
(404) 549.8628 or

and please.. don't forget to forward the survey on to other folks in your state who you want to encourage participating in this survey! Thank you!!