Welcome! Oxford University Computing Services, in collaboration with local IT staff, offers a range of technology services to support students and staff in their work. The findings of this survey will further our understanding about what you think of OUCS and help improve the way our services are delivered in the future.

It is important that we get as many replies as possible, representing the full range of users of OUCS's services. Please do reply from your own perspective, therefore, and not on behalf of your entire department or college.

The survey is divided into 11 questions, all of which are optional. However, we encourage you to respond to as many as you can. The survey should take you between 2 and 5 minutes to complete.

Prize Draw

All fully completed surveys submitted before 5th November were eligible for a prize draw. Entries for the prize draw are now closed.

Many thanks for participating in this survey - your input is very much appreciated and is of great value to us.

Please answer the following questions:

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us which status is printed on your University card:

Question Title

* 2. What role(s) do you have within the University? (You can tick more than one box if needed.)

Question Title

* 3. Thinking about access to the internet and other online services, when you are working within the University (e.g. in your college, department, library, etc), please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree No particular opinion Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Not applicable
I generally find it easy to get online within the University
I generally find it easy to get access to University-provided online services
The connection (including wireless) within my college is always available, and is fast and reliable.
The connection (including wireless) within my department is always available, and is fast and reliable.
The connection (including wireless) within the main library I use is always available, and is fast and reliable.

Question Title

* 4. Thinking about access to OUCS services (e.g. email and calendaring) from outside the University, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree No particular opinion Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Not applicable
I can easily access these services on my mobile device.
I can easily access these services when at home or away (e.g. on a course or at a conference).

Question Title

* 5. Thinking about the different areas that OUCS offers services in, please indicate how important these are for your work:

  Very important Fairly important Fairly unimportant Not important at all Not aware of this service area
Data back-up and archive
Email and online calendar
File sharing
Help with hardware and software problems
IT training
Online shop
OUCS facilities (printing, open-access computers, lecture room hire)
Server management, rental, and web hosting (e.g. as provided by NSMS)
Support in using technology for learning, teaching and research
Supporting local IT staff
Technology guidance for new staff and students
Web design and advice (e.g. Web Consultancy Service)
Wireless and remote access

Question Title

* 6. With reference to the list above and thinking about OUCS Services in general, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statement:

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree No particular opinion Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Not applicable
OUCS offers me the services that I need for my work/study.

Question Title

* 7. Thinking about your experience of OUCS, please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree No particular opinion Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Not applicable
I have easy access to training or information that helps me become more effective with technology in my work or study.
Staff at OUCS are knowledgeable and can help me to solve IT-related problems.
Staff at OUCS are courteous in responding to my requests for help with University-provided technology services.
Any problems that I have with University-provided technology services are solved promptly.
I generally know where to go to for help if I have a problem with IT.
I have sufficient opportunities to give feedback on University-provided technology services.

Question Title

* 8. If you have a problem with your computer, where would you go to for help in the first, second and third instance?

  First choice Second choice Third choice
My departmental IT officer
An online resource (e.g. 'FAQ' page or discussion forum)
The manufacturer
The OUCS Help Desk
My college IT officer
A friend or colleague

Question Title

* 9. What improvements or new services you would like to see in IT provision which are not currently offered:

Question Title

* 10. Where did you hear about this survey?

Question Title

* 11. If you would like to be included in the prize draw, please select your preferred prize from the list below and give your University card number to enable us to contact you (this is the number below the striped bar code):