Official Fairfax County Government Survey

33% of survey complete.
Community Input Session Purpose and Background

Given the significant changes in human services over the past fifteen years, the Board of Supervisors directed staff to work with the CCFAC and representatives from the nonprofit community to review the current Consolidated Community Funding Pool (CCFP) funding framework, practices, and procedures to ensure the program supports strategic human services outcomes and leverages community resources for maximum collective impact on communities and those individuals and families most at risk. The last comprehensive review of the CCFP prior to this project was conducted in 2001.

Community members and service providers are invited to participate in a conversation to help determine the future direction of the CCFP. Information from this and other community input sessions will be used by a project steering committee (comprised of representatives from the CCFAC, nonprofit providers, Human Services Council members, former selection advisory committee members, outside grantors, County staff, and other stakeholders) to craft recommendations for the Board of Supervisors in spring 2013. Any proposed changes to the funding pool process will be gradually implemented starting in the FY 2015-2016 funding cycle.